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Feeding 9 Billion Case Competition

The Feeding 9 Billion case competition is an annual initiative hosted by LFS|US. This event aims to raise awareness about current food systems or environment-related issues and encourage students to envision solutions.

Teams and presentations are mentored and judged by various Land and Food Systems professors.

This year's prompt:

"What form of engagement can the government do to assist communities struggling with food insecurity in British Columbia have access to a nutritious diet on an affordable budget."

Date: November 10-24, 2024

💰 Prizes:
1st - $700
2nd - $400
3rd - $250



1st - Chef Consulting (Madison Lee, Leo Wu, Amanda Qi, Jay Han)
2nd - J3M Consulting (Justin Au, Mohammad Ali, Jenny Kim, James Leong)
3rd - Seal Lovers (Graciela Licardo, Thê Quach, Helena Low, Tiffany Tran)


The judges and mentors include:

Karen Taylor, Judge

Sean Holowaychuk, Judge

Kelleen Wiseman, Judge

James Vercammen, Mentor

Rick Barichello, Mentor

Candice Rideout, Mentor

Jennifer Black, Mentor

Gail Hammond, Mentor

Gerry Kasten, Mentor

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